Focus on entrepreneurs with an international background

A new English-language initiative will help entrepreneurs with an international background get started in Norrbotten.

The "Start a business in Norrbotten" initiative is run by Nyföretagarcentrum Nord. It is aimed at entrepreneurs from other countries and will help them during their first three years.

"We need to attract enterprising people and new skills to the county, but being new to the country and starting your own business is a big step. With our new international initiative, we want to enable more people to get started and make it through the initial period," says Ann Murugan, international business adviser at Nyföretagarcentrum Nord.

The initiative starts in February and consists of both physical and digital meetings. It is open to international new entrepreneurs and free of charge for participants. The program focuses on support before the start-up and the first years, tax rules and information about pension, insurance and financing in Sweden.

"In line with the development in the north, we want to meet a growing group of international new entrepreneurs, including those accompanying large industrial ventures. The "Start a business in Norrbotten" initiative, which we are implementing together with our partners, is a good start to become a valuable part of the county's business community," says Anna Engström, operations manager at Nyföretagarcentrum Nord.

The initiative is carried out in the Nyföretagarcentrum's business locations Arvidsjaur, Boden, Luleå, Pajala, Piteå, Överkalix and Övertorneå. It is financed by the Kamprad Family Foundation. (Ingvar Kamprad was the founder of the furniture retailer IKEA.)

Nyföretagarcentrum Nord offers advice to new and prospective entrepreneurs in the locations in Norrbotten. Advice and activities are free of charge. The activities are financed by the municipalities in the locations and a network of partners.

Lennart Håkansson