Further work on sustainable fuels

Piteå Piteå Science Park is receiving SEK 6.5 million to continue working on the development and production of sustainable fuels. The new project picks up where the Treepower project recently left off.

The new partially EU-funded three-year project, Sustainable Fuels in the North, aims to establish a new production facility for fossil-free fuels in the region.

The project follows a recent project, Treepower, which was run by Luleå Business Region, Piteå Science Park and LTU. That project focused on aviation fuel and concluded that there are good opportunities to produce fossil-free fuels regionally. They suggested Karlsborg outside Kalix and Haraholmens industrial area in Piteå.

"We now want to continue to take this further towards an establishment and at the same time find out which fuel is most relevant for the region and build a good collaboration for the issue, says Henrik Bucht, CEO of Piteå Science Park.

Piteå Science Park's role as a project owner will be to establish regional collaboration between several industries, especially the forestry industry, which holds much of the conditions for creating sustainable fuels.

The financiers of the EU-supported project are Tillväxtverket, Region Norrbotten, Piteå municipality and Sparbanken Nord. Partners in the project are Piteå Science Park, Luleå University of Technology and Invest In Norrbotten.

Lennart Håkansson
