SSAB reduces Group Management
Carl Orrling is appointed technical director and responsible for the restructuring office. Among other things, he will lead the work on SSAB's new fossil-free steel mill in Luleå.
At the same time, Group Management will be reduced as Christina Friborg, Head of Sustainability, Ethics and Compliance, Eva Petursson, Head of Research and Innovation, and Lars Sjöbring, General Counsel, leave Group Management. They will retain their responsibilities and will report to CEO Johnny Sjöström.
The former Technical Director, Martin Pei, will continue in a new role. He came up with the idea for the fossil-free Hybrit initiative. He will now be senior advisor and responsible for the supply of raw materials to the new fossil-free steel mills. He will continue to represent SSAB in Hybrit Development AB as Chairman of the Board. Hybrit is run as a joint project by SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall. The current phase of Hybrit means that LKAB is the main player when a demonstration plant is built in Gällivare.
“With the changes in Group Management, I want to create a smaller and more efficient group. Our focus will be on further strengthening the business, improving the product mix and transforming our Nordic production system,” says Johnny Sjöström, President and CEO of SSAB.
Lennart Håkansson