Swedish Transport Administration chooses western alternative

Luleå The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has completed its investigation into the route of the Norrbotniabanan railway in Luleå. They will favour a western alternative.

They want to run the new railway along the same route as the E4 over the Lule River at Gäddvik and then the same route as the current railway into Luleå. This means a so-called sack solution, where the trains go into Luleå railway station and then the same way out again.

An eastern alternative involves a route past Luleå Airport and on a bridge over the Lule River at Hamnholmen, over to Svartön and then to Luleå railway station. This requires an openable bridge over the Lule River to allow shipping to pass into Luleå harbour.

The reasons why Trafikverket rejects the eastern alternative are that it leads to problems for both rail and shipping. During the winter, railway traffic would be hindered by bridge openings when ships need to use turning areas inside the bridge. There could be 10-12 bridge openings per day during winter. A capacity reduction of 20 per cent for the Norrbotten line. Sweden's icebreaker fleet, which is stationed in Luleå, risks being trapped inside the bridge, according to Trafikverket. The eastern alternative also means disadvantages for aviation.

According to Trafikverket, the eastern alternative will also be much more expensive than the western route, approximately SEK 2 billion.

"Our direction is to proceed with the western alternative for norrbotniabanans entrance to Luleå. Norrbotniabanan will halve journey times and strengthen freight traffic in the region. The western alternative provides the opportunity for a robust and sustainable transport system. It is a sustainable option that provides opportunities for regional development," says Helena Eriksson, Regional Director, Northern Region, at Trafikverket.

The report will be sent out for consultation to the municipalities concerned, the county administrative board and Region Norrbotten. The formal decision will be taken before the end of the year. Work will then begin on drawing up railway plans.

Norrbotniabanan is a decided continuation of Botniabanan, which now runs along the Norrland coast from Stockholm to Umeå. The Norrbottniabanan will run from Umeå to Luleå along the coast, as opposed to the main line of the Agens railway, which runs inland.

Lennart Håkansson
