176 EU million for northern Sweden

Luleå The Upper Norrland Structural Funds Partnership has allocated over SEK 176 million from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund. In total, 47 projects in Norrbotten and Västerbotten have received funding.

"There are many important projects that have now been granted support. The EU funds that we have to distribute through the Structural Funds are absolutely invaluable for the development of Västerbotten and Norrbotten" says Rickard Carstedt, regional councillor (S) in Västerbotten and chairman of the Upper Norrland Structural Funds Partnership.

Some examples of projects that have received funding:

Luleå University of Technology has received SEK 13.3 to develop methods that can increase cybersecurity in companies and organisations.

Piteå Science Park has received SEK 3.6 million to increase collaboration and innovation in the field of fibre composites.

Swerim has received SEK 20 million for an innovation platform for green transition and new industrialisation in the mining and metal industry.

Lennart Håkansson
