Steel production in Sweden turned upwards
This is shown by statistics from the Swedish trade organization Jernkontoret.
The increase in July was marginal, 0.3% more than in July 2023. A total of 314,000 tons of crude steel were produced in July.
So far this year, 2.5 million tons of crude steel have been produced in Sweden, a decrease of 3.3% compared to the same period last year.
“Although production has fallen by just over 3 percent this year, it leveled out in July marginally above the level in July last year, which is a step in the right direction. It now remains to be seen whether this trend will continue,” says Mathias Ternell, Director of Trade Policy at Jernkontoret.
The production statistics are compiled by Jernkontoret and are based on data from eleven crude steel manufacturing plants in Sweden.
Lennart Håkansson