French flights to be doubled

Luleå The French charter company Quartier Libre announces that it will double the departures between France and Luleå next winter.

Last winter, Quartier Libre, through the Dutch airline Transavia, offered 150 airline seats every week for 16 weeks from Paris Orly to Luleå. For next winter, the departures will be doubled.

- It is good to see that the investment in the French market is now bearing fruit. For a long time, we have been working specifically and jointly throughout Swedish Lapland to put the destination on the radar of the French. This has been done both through classic processing of retailers and press processing and various types of digital campaigns, says David Lind, at the Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, a regional organization that works for the tourism industry in Norrbotten.

A popular destination for French tourists is the world heritage site in Gammelstad church town outside Luleå.

This winter Luleå has been served by three international direct flights from Paris, Düsseldorf and London. Lufthansa's low-cost carrier Eurowings has flown to both Luleå and Kiruna, and will continue to do so next winter, at least to Kiruna. Luleå as a destination is not nailed down yet.

Last winter, SAS had direct flights between London and Luleå, but this will not be offered next winter.

Lennart Håkansson